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Dance Romance by Donna Howell-Sickles
Dance Romance by Donna Howell-Sickles
Our Price: $750.00

Product Code: DHS8S-CG

Available as:
22x22 Limited Edition Giclee on Canvas - $750
A partnership is a joyous celebration of life. The partnership, the dance, is a complicated, learned, physical rhythm, which all depends on and utilizes the balance, timing, and intuitive responses of each partner. The guardian dog is there warning them not to lose themselves in the activity, and, encouraging them to keep time with the joy and beauty of the dance. Behind them, a red horse, emblem of passion, nuzzles a shadowy horse half-hidden from view, perhaps indicative of the unpredictability of romance. When we look again, we finally notice that the cowboy wears his hearts on his chaps.

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